Kohinoora is a fictional character featured in the Jelid's Journey series. She also made an appearance Kohinoora is one of many residents of Kohinoor City . Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension Artwork (Kohinoora's current and final form) Kohinoora was first created in 2021 and is listed for making her first appearance in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension . She also makes an appearance in Origins Of Orb Children and a few animated shorts. Jelid's Journey: The Dark Murk Artwork In-universe information Kohinoora is a 9 year old female Kohinoor , with orange hair and a orange dress. She and a similar character, Elanoor can both be seen as female counterparts of Kohinoor . Origin Kohinoora lives in Kohinoor City . She can be located in the Topaz Garden . Kohinoora is the grand daughter of Professor Kohinoor , and she was in charge of two of the Orb Puzzle Pieces . Once the player finds the four puzzle pieces, they next travel to Topaz Garden to encounter Kohinoora....