
Kohinoora is a fictional character featured in the Jelid's Journey series. She also made an appearance Kohinoora is one of many residents of Kohinoor City

Jelid's Journey: Opposite  Dimension Artwork
(Kohinoora's current and final form)

Kohinoora was first created in 2021 and is listed for making her first appearance in Jelid's Journey: Opposite Dimension. She also makes an appearance in Origins Of Orb Children and a few animated shorts.

Jelid's Journey: The Dark Murk Artwork

In-universe information
Kohinoora is a 9 year old female Kohinoor, with orange hair and a orange dress. She and a similar character, Elanoor can both be seen as female counterparts of Kohinoor

Kohinoora lives in Kohinoor City. She can be located in the Topaz Garden. Kohinoora is the grand daughter of Professor Kohinoor, and she was in charge of two of the Orb Puzzle Pieces. Once the player finds the four puzzle pieces, they next travel to Topaz Garden to encounter Kohinoora. She will then grant the player permission to use all four pieces in order for it to transform into the Garch Key. At the end of the game, it also reveals that Kohinoora was now a new member of the Hero Orb Members.


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